Monday, July 5, 2010

Arunachala Shiva

Arunachala, Thou form of grace itself! Once having claimed me, loveless though I be, how canst Thou let me now be lost, and fail to fill me so with love that I must pine for Thee unceasingly and melt within like wax over the fire? Oh nectar springing up in the Heart of devotees! Haven of my refuge! Let Thy pleasure be mine, for that way lies my joy, Lord of my life!

From Eleven Verses to Sri Arunachala, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

Arunachala, the mystical hill at whose foot lays the town of Thiruvannamalai in Tamilnadu in South India, is regarded as a manifestation of lord Shiva, the ultimate yogi and first Guru, the Adi Guru.  On every full moon, thousands of seekers do girivalam, i.e. walk barefoot around the mountain on a 14km path, to worship, bring a state of calm to the mind, and have satsang with the cosmic consciousness in the form of Arunachala.  I was fortunate to take part in the pradakshina twice during my trip, once with Swamiji’s ashramites and once with my dear friend Sangavasini, whose name means Dweller of the Sanga.

Love and blessings.  Thank you for reading this blog.

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