Thursday, September 23, 2010

Radiate Love!

Dear friends,

What do I want to write today?  I am feeling so full of love, I do not want to write anything! My whole being is singing a song for existence.  Thank you... Thank you... Thank you...

Do you ever feel so extraordinarily lucky for where you are on planet earth, so blessed that the universe has made a space for you, you can't imagine how or why so many blessings are showered upon you?

What is gratitude?

Gratitude is a beautiful silent song that flows out of your being.

What is gratitude?

Gratitude is doing something for no reason except the love you feel in your heart.

What is gratitude?

Gratitude is causeless appreciation for everyone and everything around you.

What is gratitude?

Gratitude is a dance you do with existence.

What does Gratitude mean to you?

Love and blessings,
Ma Nithya Puranjani

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Radiating Bliss!

Hello dear friends, especially friends from Arizona.  I have been so busy and having such an amazing time since I returned to India, I have not updated my blog even once.  This is unfortunate because I am having some beautiful experiences here.  For those of you who do not know, I am staying at the ashram of Paramahamsa Nithyananda, an enlightened master of the Vedic tradition.  There are people here from countries all over the world--Brazil, Holland, Venezuela, Germany, Poland, Canada, Mexico, America, Great Britain, New Zealand, and a few others.  We are going through an intense program of yoga, meditation, and Upanishad-sitting with the master.  It is absolutely amazing.  I cannot tell you in words what beautiful experiences are happening here.  I am flowing in a river of ecstatic experience and bliss.  My whole body feels completely alive.

Love to you all--

Here is the youtube channel of Nithyananda.  He is the most watched Guru on youtube:

Come visit and make an amazing change in your life.

I am organizing an event in Tucson soon to meet Nithyananda via live video phone call and learn his meditations and teachings.  I'll keep you updated.